From Past to Future - Summer 2005
New forms of remembrance - the project Gebrüder Wolf
An international communication project of
young people including German history, emigration and homelessness
In June 2005 young artist from four nations (USA, Israel, Palestine and Germany) will meet in Hamburg
to have a look at their historical, cultural and social roots using mediums like theatre, film and music.
While looking at the consequences of history they will describe a line which leads from past to present -
to their personal situation of life and to their view at the world that they live in. In cooperation
with schools from Hamburg ideas for schools and education shall be developed. The starting point of this
project is the story of the Gebrüder Wolf from Hamburg, drawing a line from the beginning of last
century to present and future connecting three continents.
There will be 4 symposiums on the following subjects:
- The meaning of music for an intercultural exchange
- The meaning of film for an intercultural exchange
- The consequences of emigration on the third generation after Auschwitz
- New forms of commemoration at school - ´stocktaking´ and prospects
Further items on the agenda:
Films on these topics will be presented at cinemas Abaton and Zeise
- "Stateless" by Dan Wolf and Tommy Shepherd, San Francisco
- The Arab-Hebrew Theatre of Jaffa
- ZIL ZAL (Rap dance theatre), Akko
- Yuri Lane (Rap theatre), Chicago
- Emanuel Witzthum (Slam Poetry), Jerusalem
- Dag Nachasch, Jerusalem
- ZIL ZAL, Akko
- Felonious with Dan Wolf, San Francisco
- Musicians from Hamburg
Photo exhibition:
An de Eck steiht´n Jung mit´n Tüdelband - Gebrüder Wolf Story
Student´s exchange:
High schools "Gynasium Altona" and "Klosterschule" are planning an exchange project with schools in Palestine and Israel
- entimon - gemeinsam gegen Gewalt und Rechtsextremismus (BMFSFJ)
- Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
- Altonale
- Die Motte
- Abaton Kino
- Zeise Kino
- Miriam Holzapfel, Cornelia Berens und Wolfgang Kraushaar - Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung
- Detlef Gericke-Schönhagen - Goethe Institut München
- Nikolai-Kirche e.V., Hamburg
Organizer: KUNSTWERK e.V. und Jens Huckeriede, Hamburg
Kunstwerk e.V.
Friedensallee 45
22765 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (0) 40 - 390 94 52
Fax: +49 (0) 40 - 390 88 95
eMail: info@kunstwerk-hamburg.de
eMail: jens.huckeriede@t-online.de
In commemoration of the Wolf Brothers a place at the area of the former Bavaria brewery will be called "Gebrüder-Wolf-Platz".

Photo: Gebrüder-Wolf-Platz, catalogue "10xLEBEN - Hamburgs Neue Quartiere",
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Bau und Verkehr, 2003
The inauguration is planned for 2006.
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